VI Russian Congress of Patients will take place on 12 November 2015 at the Multimedia International Agency ‘Russia Today’, Moscow.
The congress will have its theme as ‘The government and citizens to develop a patient focused healthcare in Russia’.
Read more: 12 November 2015. Moscow. VI Russian Congress of Patients
25th November, 2014. Moscow. The 5th Russian Congress of Patients took place at News Agency «Russia Today» gathering representatives of NGOs from almost every Russian region.
Greeting participants, representatives of relevant ministries would emphasise significance of a productive dialog with patient associations.
WHO representative in the Russian Federation Elena Yurasova reminded that since 2002 patients’ protection became a worldwide healthcare problem.
This big event aimed at highlighting issues raised by various communities, both professional and patient, and seeking efficient inter-sector collaboration based on mutual understanding. To this end, 8 key events of different aspects were held including the 3rd Congress of the All-Russian Multiple Sclerosis Society (ARMSS): Reporting back and re-election.
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